Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Walking ATM

Some months back, I asked if I looked like a local because a lot of people has been asking me for directions.

I have a new question now. Do I look like an ATM? Sure, I have a squarish jaw but is this enough to make me look like one?

I'm exaggerating of course, because I've only been in 2 incidents where someone asked me for money.


Tonight I decided to walk home. After crossing from Newton Circus to the other street, I tried to overtake an oldish guy (about 40+). I think he sensed it, so he gave way then said "sorry... happy new year". Being the polite being that I am, I smiled slightly to show that it's okay (that he's blocking the way) and to mumble "Happy new year". I walked ahead and then he said "Excuse me (I turned around to look at him at this point), do you think you can give me blah blah (didn't really hear the exact words) to eat (with matching hand-grabbing-food gesture). I stared at him for a few seconds, then I asked if he was based in Singapore. Then he said he is, and sometimes there's work (for him to clean something because he was doing the wiping movement), but sometimes there's no work for him.

He said he doesn't have work for the past few days.

Hmmm.. what to do? Do I look him in the eye and say "Sorry" and walk away? (not my style), do I run? (not my style) or do I give him some money?

I pulled out my wallet, lo and behold, I didn't see any small bills! I didn't want to give him 10 bucks. I mean, that would be hypocrisy. I do not have spare cash to give out.

So I mentally computed how much is needed for a decent meal, and finally spotted a small bill in between pesky receipts. I gave him the cash (and coins) which I thought could buy him a rice meal and a drink (as long as he doesn't eat at Newton Circus).

He took the cash and said "Thank you, God bless you".

A few minutes after waling away from the 'scene', I was thinking about what happened, and thinking : what if he's like those guys in the movie, who would ask for help and after someone helps him, would become something else (just trying to see if you're a good enough person to extend a helping hand)... when suddenly I felt the hair at the back of my neck tightening and my arms become all goose bumpy. Darn it! All the way I prayed for whatever it is to get away from me.

Finally I reached my condo and felt normal again...

To summarise, I don't care if he's lying or what. For me it's better if a person just asks, rather than steal. I also don't think that after hearing him say those things, I could just walk away holding my shopping plastics filled with popcorn and Marks & Spencer chips.

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