Thursday, January 21, 2010

1:32 AM

It's 1:32am! I have to sleep now.

I'll probably be late again tomorrow, but what else is new? I really can't bring myself to go to work early. I mean, there are times when I wake up slightly earlier, but still end up getting to the office after 9am.

Bottomline is, my subconscious mind is pulling my body from getting to work early. It's always shouting 'Noooooooooooooooooooo! no more please... no more...sniff!'.

But, this is life. I need the money. So I need to take the %&#* from &*%^#$% people who are %^&**@! selfish and pain in the $%#.

Better sleep now, before my 'nasty' side gets any nastier.

Time ended: 1:39AM

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