Sunday, January 24, 2010

Avatar's Neytiri is Looking at Me

The toy's special 'feature'

I bought a kiddie meal from McDonalds a month or so back.

I didn't care much about the toy, I just wanted the cheapest meal. So anyway, they gave me this Avatar toy which I found pretty freaky.

I left it in the office and forgot about it.

A few weeks after, I finally went to watch Avatar on 3D, because everybody was saying it's good. and I didn't want to be left behind.

I found the film pretty engrossing. It was really like trespassing into a different world and seeing new things, discovering new er things (for lack of a better word).

After watching the movie, I sort of understood them and accepted how they looked (as if it matters). So now, I have taken Neytiri home and she is on my work desk and er she's actually staring at me. It's still a bit freaky.
PS. I've repositioned her.

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