Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday Thai Lunch

Boneless chicken wing (yum)
Honey chicken (good enough)

Chili sauce! 4 types - chili with: soy sauce, sweet sauce, salty sauce and fish paste

The orange dish is squid with yellow curry powder. It's notspectacular, but atleast the squid was tender. That's kangkong with bachelan (or sounds like) on the right side

Ruby dessert (mmm this is so-so)

My friend, her boyfriend, and myself went to Hougang to try out this Thai Stall. Forgot the name, but it starts with letter 'N'. Naikhon or something.
Anyway, it was a good experience. Nice food and fast service.
Not in the picture are clear seafood tom yum soup and pineapple fried rice.
3 people is just sgd49. Quite reasonable.

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