Sunday, February 13, 2011

Skin Care Regimen

Sigh... everyone who know me is aware of my awful skin condition. This eczema-like thingy on both my arms. This skin condition started around May 2009 and seems to be getting worse each day.

I flinch whenever someone touches my arm (you know, people usually touch your elbow/arm area). I stiffen and feel embarrassed. But, being the stubborn girl that I am, I tried to solve it by using various over the counter lotion and cream.

Finally, after my boyfriend insisted that I go to a derma, I went to one accompanied by his sister . I was given oatmeal soap, Seba Med (thank goodness I can buy this in Singapore, since the derma is located in the Philippines), and another clear gel (which I have to buy from her once my supply runs out).

I hope my skin will clear up.. I saw my reflection on Forever 21's full length mirror earlier today and felt deep shame when I saw how ugly my skin looked.

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