Sunday, December 14, 2008

Reason why we grow fat in Singapore

There's not much to do here in Singapore except to work, shop and EAT.

Hmm it's the same anywhere else in the world, I guess. It's just that since I'm alone here in Singapore, I feel like weekends is the time when I have to treat myself. So I would often eat good food, buy small things for momentary happiness and eat good food again.

For my first 4 months here, I lost about 6 lbs. Probably because of the adjustment, long walks, work overload and loss of appetite. But as more friends and family come over to visit, I started gaining some back because I would, naturally, tour them around and let them try the local food.

Then, it became a habit for me to eat good food during weekends, with or without company. So I gained a little more back. In all, I'm just about the same weight as when I first came here. Nooooo! That's not good enough. I really have to watch what I eat! After the new year, that is.

I mentioned that I ate at Swensens, so I took a picture of their menu and thereafter took a shot of the real thing:



1 comment:

Smarter Than Ever said...

Lovely before-and-after photos.