Friday, December 12, 2008


There's this saleslady at Isetann, Orchard who fits the definition of 'biatch' right to the last letter.

My friend and I were looking for a present during our lunch break. I suggested we take a look at the perfume displayed at the center of the department store. I think it's a new product (Harajuku Lovers, inspired by Gwen Stefani), so they were really promoting it. What made it so cute was the packaging. The bottles were in cute little girl shapes, for each scent - love, baby, etc.

I was sniffing on the paper samples. I wanted 'Love', but it was out of stock. So I sniffed again, trying my best to imagine what the recipient would like. So I asked this young sales lady "Can this be exchanged?" She was quiet for a while, obviously, she did not have any authority to decide on that.

So, she asked her 'biatch' partner, who was this older saleslady. This biatch said "No, cannot exchange because when we punch it into the system, it's already removed. We cannot exchange because blah blah blah (it will mess up their files)."

So I said "Because it's a gift, so I'm not sure which scent would be.. (I trailed off, I think)"

Then she said "Cannot exchange. That's why the samples are there." (In a condescending tone)

So I said "So, we cannot exchange because it will be a hassle for you?"

She said "Yes, cannot exchange."

So I said "Oh,okay, so never mind then."

Then the young sales lady probably saw my hard expression and said "So sorry about that.."

Biatch!!! When I have taken about 10 steps, that's when all all these remarks started popping into mind. One of them was "Oh, okay. Never mind then, I wouldn't want to hassle you."

Disclaimer: The dialogue is not in exact wording. But the context is the same.

1 comment:

Smarter Than Ever said...

Why didn't you "biatch-slap" her?