Saturday, April 9, 2011

First Ever MC in Singapore

3 years working in Singapore, and this is the first time ever that I got myself a medical certificate (for 10 days! [7 banking days]) .

About 3-4 times in the past, when I wasn't feeling well, I would call the office to tell them I'd be late. I'd try to get additional 1 or 2 hours of sleep and then I would report to work around 10 or 11am.

But this time around, I really couldn't stand it anymore. If you know me, then you'd know it meant the situation was already at its worst, because I'm the type to push myself. If I can still take it,then I would force myself.

Anyway, last Wednesday 30th of March, my ears were hurting, my body aching, I had slight sore throat, I had no appetite (this rarely happens and could only mean I'm sickie) and I had the worst rash ever. I worked the whole morning, and left at about 1pm. I went to see the doctor at Parkway Shenton (One Raffles Quay North Tower), hoping to get a recommendation for good ENT and skin doctor, but it didn't get to that point. The doctor examined my rash, couldn't be sure at first but finally declared I had chicken pox. Gasp! This never ever occured to me.

The reason why the doc couldn't be sure at first was because I apparently popped all the lesions, and so she had to use a magnifying glass to scan my back for an unpopped fluid-filled nodule.

Having heard the word 'unsure', I planned to get a second opinion.

I went home with my head down, trying to stay away from the people. I was sad, and I felt defeated. I planned to go to the medical centres in Novena, but when I got off the train, the world around me became dark, my eyes had difficulty focusing and I became really woozy. I knew I might collapse, so I sat on the bench and sniffed my ever-reliable Axe menthol oil. It did the trick, and revived my senses.

I rushed home afterwards, and decided to just go for a check-up the next day.

The next day, I woke up covered with new nodules. All over my face, neck, chest and back. So, the doctor was right. I didn't go out of the house from then on.

I've been couped up in my room from March 30. It's April 9 already, and I'd be couped up till tomorrow. I'm going back to work on Monday and I'm already starting to feel the anxiety.

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