Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thank You

The bananas that gave me strength. I don't know how I could've survived without these bananas. I can't back it with any medical blah blahs, but I think, and I have a feeling, that these bananas were the reason why I only had about 50-70 nodules (normally it should be hundreds for adults having the chick pox for the first time). This was my food for the first few days.
Veggies - carrots and potatos and instant oatmeal
Veggies and fruits and cranberry juice (for the vitamin c boost)
Apples and pears
Veggies for the pork rib soup (pork rib was in the chiller)
The chinese cleansing herbs that my friends bought for me (super thanks for going to the chinese drugstore for this)
The baggies to keep the herbs from spilling into the water. Really thoughful and made my life easy.


It was touching to know people were concerned about me. A lot has even offered their service to buy me the things or food that I needed to survive my 10-day isolation / recovery period.

Jie Jie even came to my house during her lunch break to bring my survival food.

My flatmates bought me additional food, and items which helped me get through this period.

I would never forget this ^-^.


I was on a salt-less diet, so basically everything was super bland. When you search the net, most people would say that you can eat anything. But, coming from a Chinese background, I opted to follow the old belief not to eat anything salty, spicy, fried, oily nor anything hard, or anything with seasonings especially soy sauce or anything dark.

I also followed the no-bath belief. After 8 full days (yesterday), I couldn't take it anymore, and I finally showered. Wooooo-hoooo! It felt soooo good!

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