Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Less Than 20 dollars and a Piece of Plastic

That's what I have for this week. Only that. Oh, and a piece of US dollar bill on my wallet and some few hundred ringgits, pesos and Cambodia money (I already forgot what it's called) on my money pouch.

I placed all my funds in TMD! (which I refuse refuse refuse to move). This happened because of a miscalculation of funds and to a payment I was expecting, which never got to my account.

Gosh darn gee, I think this has got to be my all time low.

I don't have any cash on hand! This is frustrating. In fact, I've been bringing lunch to work (good thing I really am on a diet too), and I could only afford to buy fruits. Trying to stretch my remaining cash as far as I can.. I can't wait till Friday, when they finally credit our salary.

Lesson learned the hard way, for the nth time. I must always consider contingency money when calculating my funds.

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