Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tips for Travelling Ladies

From my past trips (only 2, ahehehe), I have gathered some valuable travelling tips:

1. Bring tights instead of jeans. It's so much lighter, space-saving, easy to pair, more comfy and can be re-washed in time for next day's use (in case of a wardrobe emergency).
2. If you're going to hot hot places, buy sunblock with SPF130 (or I think more), they have it in travel size in Watsons.
3. Bring a scrunchie or a hairband. Your hair is your crowning glory, but it can get super irritating when it's hot.
4. If where you're going to is rainy, might be a good idea to buy a disposable raincoat, instead of lugging around an umby.
5. Bring a nice shoulder bag with a spacious inside. Preferrably it shouldn't be a leather bag so that it doesnt get sticky when you perspire.
6. Bring a small calculator along, to help you compute for the conversion.
7. Put your passport in a nice envelope, together with your other travel docs. That way, it doesn't get messy inside your bag.
8. Bring menthol rub and headache medicine especially if you're going to sun-exposed places.
9. Bring wet wipes.
10. If you perspire a lot, bring a small container of powder to refresh you throughout the day.
11. Bring your sunglasses.

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