Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Love Eggs

Monday dinner: Fried eggs! Yummy!
It's two eggwhites and one eggyolk.

Special square design.
Seems like I couldn't cook proper fried egg? Nope. I deliberately poked the eggyolk.
When I was younger, I liked it sunny side up and runny.. but nowadays, I want the eggyolk to be 90% cooked such that halfway thru the cooking process, that's when I poke the yolk and let it ooze out. Then, I flip the egg over, let it cook for a few seconds and then turn the fire off.

With catsup! Mmmm... simple joys of life for me.

Another shot. Mmm...


Admin said...

fried? tsk tsk..... olive oil b yan?

Back in Davao said...

yes, olive oil siya