Sunday, June 5, 2011

Crocs Tone

I visited a Crocs store recently and realised that their designs are nicer now. Definitely a big improvement from the clunky chunky clogs.

Anyway, this prompted me to check their website.. and then, I saw their Crocs Tone, which supposedly helps tone up the bum and lower body parts. Much like fit flops.

3 years back, I was going to buy myself a pair of fit flops using the angpao money that my boss gave me.. but it didn't look good on my feet. 3 years later, it still doesn't look good. If I'm not confident with it, then I probably won't really wear it... So I've cancelled Fitflops from my list..

But crocs.. I think I can still carry the look.

I tried it yesterday at Metro, Paragon.. and I think I like it. It would go well with my workout plan, which is to walk home from the office (From One Raffles Quay to Newton) on days that I won't be road running.

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