Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Week Crossed Out From My Calendar

It's become a habit to just blog during the weekend.. Not really by choice, but more of by lack of energy. I'm so drained everyday after office that I can't be bothered to blog in anymore..Actually, I haven't even been chatting with my mom and brother on weekdays, which is sad, because after all, these are the important moments in life, right? I hope it's still part of the adjustment stage, and not a permanent condition while I'm with the current Bank I'm with.

Anyway, this week was a bit better for me at work. There was none of those 'tears-threatening-to-spill-out moments, and, I can actually hear my voice getting louder while I talk to the clients, which means I'm gaining more confidence. Well, that's if client is just asking about bonds and shares. Otherwise, I don't have enough knowledge yet to really discuss with the clients.

Apart from work, it was a very healthy week for me.. up until Friday night. Basically, I ate sandwiches and salads for lunch and dinner... but Friday night, I ate mozzarella cheese pizza with parma ham and lobster sauce linguini. Gak!

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