Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Heart Fancl (As of the moment)

 I can't tell if I'd still be 'endorsing' it a few weeks or months or years from now, but currently, I'm liking Fancl products.
 Bought my second box of Hyaluro Premium from Isetan Scotts (SGD120 for a month's supply), together with collagen drink and eye gel.
 They say, if you consume this TenseUp drink regularly, your skin will really become radiant. But, once you stop, you'll have your dull skin back.

So what I'm planning to do is, consume before any photoshoot (for my wedding) and before the wedding, so that I'd look all radiant and pretty on my special day.
They gave away clear glass bowls. Kinda weird gift, but it's free, so I don't care about the logic behind it (or lack thereof).

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