Saturday, September 18, 2010

What a Week

My attendance:

Time In-
Day 1: 8:30am
Day 2: 8:30am
Day 3: 8:39am
Day 4: 8:40am
Day 5: 8:45am

Time Out-
Day 1: 6:30pm
Day 2: 8:30pm
Day 3: 9:00pm
Day 4: 8:00pm
Day 5: 7:00pm

Wah, just look at that. All in the first week.

In my previous job, I wake up at 8:30am and leave the office at 7:30/8:30/9:30/10pm.

Not I wake up at 7:20am. And on Wednesday I left the office at 9pm. I hope it's just because I'm new and still trying to learn the ropes.. I'm optimistic that after a month or so, once I get the hang of it, I can leave the office earlier.

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