Saturday, September 18, 2010

Meet Bacon

My flatmate moved out and left some of her things behind. These things are free for anyone to take.

I was looking thru them when I saw this pig.

It's a cellphone dock. I took her to my room and put Tibby on the pig's back. Ahh, I liked the pig instantly. She's very perky-looking.

I decided to adopt her and include her in my laundry. There she is, inside the protective net.

Here's Bacon, clean and freshly bathed.

Left Bacon on the griller, er, laundry thingy, and clipped her label to the metal grid so that she won't fall.

Look at her, she looks so happy.


Smarter Than Ever said...

It's so fluffeeeh!

(Not really. Just wanted to say that.)

Admin said...

perky looking? or porky looking? :-)