Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Birthday 2014

July 12,2014 - The day of my flight back to to Davao. I flew to Manila on July 11 to attend my friend's wedding on July 12.
My mom made advance birthday misua for me.
July 24- My birthday misua
That evening, the whole family went to Claude's for dinner. (It's a French restaurant here in Davao)
These were the garnishing for Mr. Baked Potato, side dish to Monsieur Steak - Bacon bits, butter, home made sour cream and chives(?)
I (actually most of us) had the tenderloin steak - 330grams.
Gak! I'm a big eater, yet I almost couldn't finish this one. It's huge!

Afterwards, the French owner together with his staff turned off the lights in the private room and sang 'Happy Birthday' while walking in. Ofcourse the whole family chimed in.

I'm really quite lucky, none of those 'problem-with-the-in-laws' thing.

I then blew out the candle on my ube cake from Red Ribbon. Made 2 wishes too.

How I've missed Red Ribbon's cake so I specifically requested for it. I was disappointed though, the cake was dry, the whipped cream has developed a different taste, and the ube topping (which was basically just ube cake crumbs) was uber dry. Ugh! My 5 year old nephew took a bite and then just played with his food. When he was told to finish it, he said he doesn't like the taste.

Sigh, why do things change? I mean people change, but must the taste of 'foodsssss' also change?

Fyi, I hate the word 'foods'.

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