Thursday, June 25, 2009

What The !?!?

It was about 1230pm this afternoon when my friend, my boss and myself decided to go out for lunch.

I went to the toilet for the first time today, did the usual things and aaaaaaack! what the f! My pants had a gaping hole in the middle! So big that a golf ball, or probably a tennis ball could shoot thru it.

When, how, and why, I have no idea. To think that I didn't even sit my usual 'gangster sit' (this is when I'm so stressed that I just prop one leg up on top of the trashcan beside me and I rest my left elbow on top of it while typing).

My friend and boss where waiting for me, so I couldn't bring myself to go back to the office to fix it up. So I just went on to lunch, all the time walking with my legs squeezed so tightly. Anyway, people don't usually look at other people's er pants, do they?

When I got back from lunch, I immediately went to my table to get a stapler. But I couldn't just take my stapler and walk to the toilet. It would look very suspicious. So, I placed it inside a brown envelope and went to the cubicle and stapled six times. (The 'stapling' sounded pretty weird though).
Thank goodness the staple wires didn't prick me.


Smarter Than Ever said...

Why didn't you use scotch tape instead? :D

Back in Davao said...

scotch tape is not compatible with garments.

Smarter Than Ever said...

It works well with socks.