Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Digital Thermometer

A week and a half or so before my scheduled leave (and vacation in Manila) on 29May, I was already feeling flu-ish. I took cheng-tng and some pear to cool up my heated innards, but somehow, I could still feel all the heat trapped inside.

So, a day before my flight, I bought a digital thermometer from Watson's.

I don't want to be scanned at the airport and be caught off guard.

Well, atleast if I have the thermometer, I can drink some flu medicine beforehand to combat the body temperature. Actually, I can take the medicine whether I have the thermometer or not. But I prefer to stay away from medicine as much as I can and will only take it if it's really necessary.

Luckily, my temperature never exceeded 37.2, even on the height of my flu, which happened on 01June.

Darn, on my vacation, I was bedridden and couldn't get up. My back was aching and I felt like puking.

Apparently, my anti-bodies gave up on the fight against the virus, stress and uncooperative weather.

But, I'm almost back to normal now.. still fatigued though, but I guess now it's due to work-related stress and not some airborne virus.

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