Saturday, November 10, 2012

Leylam's Shawarma!

This Leylam stall is located in front of the check-out counters of Robinson's Grocery at Cybergate. I've actually been eyeing this stall for quite sometime now..
 Finally I succumbed to my diet-busting urge last week. I bought their beef shawarma sans the extra cheese topping (although up till the end, I was contemplating whether to add the cheese or not).
It's not cheap, about 54 or something along that price range. Maybe I'm just subconsciously remembering how much it was during my high school days, when the shawarma trend started.
One for me, and one for my husband.

Well, the beef came from a crock-pot, and not carved out from a beef hanging on the vertical meat skewer - the typical shawarma stall set-up.. That certainly deducted some points, but overall it was a good snack. I can't wait to try the shawarma rice.  The fad has come and gone, and I haven't tried it (another shocking thing for an eater and food-tripper like me) [but hey, I was in Singapore the past four years] so I must must must try it. This time with extra egg and extra cheese on top!

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