Sunday, February 13, 2011
Dragon Dance in the Office, 11Feb2011 14:00
Our Bank hired some dragon dancers to perform and go around our office
We were given the privilege to hang ang-paos on the ceiling above our desks, so that the dragon will go to our desks (to 'bless' us).
That's my ang-pao with my sgd10 (sorry, it's not much). I've never really taken notice of the ceiling above until they placed the ang-pao there. Darn it, I'm seated under the aircon vent. No wonder it's super chilly!

The Dwagon is in the house!
Spot the dragons
Heeheehee.. adorable dragon, typing some random numbers on my colleague's calculator. Basically, after they get your ang-pao, they'd leave a 4 digit number, which is supposed to be your lucky number.
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