April 8 2010 would mark the 2nd anniversary of my stay here in Singapore. So many days has passed, but 15Feb2010 has got to be one of the nicest days..yet.
I stayed home, woke up late, cooked myself chicken with mee sua soup and spinach with kani for lunch. I ate this in bed, while watching this Korean movie about the Royal Chef's knife. Afterwards, I watched a Taiwanese cooking show.
At 5pm, I washed a pile of laundry, while ironing a big batch of clean clothes.
Then, I realised we had TFC (The Filipino Channel) on our cable, though I don't know since when or till when, since we didn't use to have that channel. I watched a couple of shows, took a bath, and had dinner of the same soup plus the New Moon New Orleans microwaveable chicken.
I also read some chapters from this book 'Why Men Love Bitches' during the boring part of the show/s, while popping chilled black grapes.
About an hour later, I ate some crunchy snacks while watching a Sex and the City rerun (I think).
I kept watching, until TFC was about to show the night news, and so I decided to retreat back to my room and finally open my computer.
Ah, bliss. It sounds rather shallow, but if you know where I'm coming from, you'd understand.
Very well, I would elaborate. I used to stay in a very nice condo, but I am not close to neither of my flatmates. They never mistreated me, but I never felt at ease there. I felt like a rat, who had to hide and could only freely go out of my room when the 'coast is clear'. Even if the house is empty, I can't relax enough to watch tv without worrying that my one of my flatmates would come home.
At this point, I could not remember the details of why I've become so traumatised or paranoid, but I've written it in my journal. The important thing is, after over a year stay there, I moved in with my current flatmates. Now, though I still have the tendency to stay in my room, I am learning how to be a proper flatmate, and I love it!
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