I remember when I was young, My dad and I were walking to my school to catch the flag ceremony when a guy snatched his gold medallion necklace and pushed him to the ground. My dad bounced back up, and we turned around and actually chased the snatchers (there were 2 of them and they ran towards different directions). A civilian waiting for a jeepney (a form of public transportation) actually helped us chase and tackle the guy!
Anyway, I realised that a part of me is very much pro-Philippines.
Last week, the Singapore Art Museum had a Filipino event. I was there and I can't help but feel happy and proud. They showcased some Filipino products, some customs like the ati-atihan dance and Santa Cruzan parade. 7,107 Flavours (a restaurant serving Philippine dishes) was also there, selling some of the most famous Pinoy dishes like Kare kare (which a caucasian Female actually asked the waiter for), adobo, bicol express, pancit habhab.
There was also a free performance by Noel Cabangon from 9-12midnight (Which I didn't get to watch . *sniff*). I knew his song 'Kanlungan' from way way back, but I never knew he's the singer. While I was there in the afternoon, they were doing some sound checks and practising their song line-up. Wow, he's fantastic! His voice was cool and smooth and very pleasant to the ears. I wish he'd have a concert again!
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