Bought this neopolitan bar from Crystal Jade Bakery because it looked nice.

Took a big bite and then realised there's actually 2 pieces.

The filo thingy and the chiffon cake were okay

But the whipped cream was disgusting!

Yuck! Do people actually gulp down that junk? I mean, I eat junk food and I love sweets and I do eat whipped cream, but this was gross. A mound of whipped cream. The type that sticks to the wall of your mouth and would probably clog the arteries. I will never be tempted to buy at Crystal Jade again. Always disappointed with their pastries and bread.

I hate it when people lean on the hand rail (?). Hand thingy. Assuming the train was crowded, and your flat butt is there, how am I supposed to hold on to the metal for support. I might accidentaly touch you. Eeeew! (It was a guy)

Bought a bag from someone I know (I never buy secondhand. Just this instance because I know the owner). It was reasonably priced, and I know that it's genuine and it's not been used more than 5 times (she said she used it twice only). The vachetta leather is still clean, and I know from experience that it's super easy to get it dirty.
The only problem I have now is it smells weird! It smells like leather and humidity and mold. I'm pretty sure the stench was airborne and just transferred itself to the LV (and even the dust bag), because I've already smelled the same odor from her other bags.
Maybe it's just leather smell and I'm just not sophisticated enough to appreciate it. But it makes me gag! And because I'm super sensitive to these smells - clothes that are not properly dried, musky smell, tablecloth that wasn't washed properly.. eeew! - it's now driving me crazy.

I bought baking soda because people said it's effective in removing odor.

But no leh, 1 day after, smell still there what. How to remove? What to do? I hate it!

If it doesn't go away, I'd have to go through the hassle of finding a buyer.
Stupid odour.
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