Butternut Pumpkin. About 600 grams

Without the skin, it's probably down to 550 grams.

I steamed it for awhile to make it tender enough to mash.

Moist and tender after about 6 minutes in high heat.

Mashed it I did.

Next, I mixed 300 grams of rice flour, 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tsp salt with about 3 cups of hot water. (which includes the water used for soaking the dried shrimps and mushrooms)

I stir fried the dried minced shrimps

Then, I also stir fried some minced lean pork. Afterwards, I drained the oil (because pork is usually stinky). Oh, I also seasoned these fillings with 1 tbsp salt and 1 tsp white pepper.

I added in the mashed pumpkin into the flour mixture

I mixed it until everything's well incorporated

Then I added in the filling.

Then, I poured the mixture into the wok and turned on the heat. Low heat only.

Continuous stirring is needed so that the mixture won't get burned.

Mixed until my arms hurt.

There ya go, mixture has reduced and thickened. At this point, you could actually taste the mixture and adjust the seasoning accordingly.

Oooh. A blurry photo.

Once the mixture is thick and a bit dry, pour onto the steaming tray.

I steamed it for about an hour, but that's just because I'm too kiasu. I'm scared it's not cooked enough. I think steaming it for about 40 mins on high heat is enough.

Aaaargh. This is the tiring part. Cleaning!
*Photos of the finished product will be uploaded next time.
* Taste-wise, it's okay and interesting. After pan frying them, it was crispy outside and moist and creamy inside. My flatmate said she liked it better than the radish cake (from project 1, which was okay but only half as good as the radish cake project 2). Yey! I'll be a Kueh Queen soon.
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