At 7:15p, the clinic called me and said I can already go there. Actually, I was just a street away when they called. I intended to be there earlier.
The dentist injected me with 2 big doses of anesthesia (which I read was the normal procedure). Then, as I could still feel some things, he injected me again twice with 2 small doses.
You see, my gum has infection, and so the anesthesia doesn't work that well.
The whole time, my eyes were closed while I was pressing my fingers together.
The dentist used a tooth elevator (don't know how it works).
Then, he went behind me and used the pliers-like thingy. I could feel the pain, but I dared not tell him because it would only drag longer. He moved his hand, up down (or left right), then he moved away. Next thing I know, he already placed the iodine cube on my tooth and topped it with the gauze. Molly was no longer a part of me at about 7:35pm.
The dentist put Molly in a small sealable plastic and gave her to me (by my request).
He said I shouldn't take hot food... and ice cream would be good for me.
I didn't know ice cream tubs were so expensive! I haven't bought one in the past year because of my diet ( I mean I do eat sinful food when I'm out, but I try not to bring it home).
Mashed bananas and vitamin c drink eaten about 4 hours after the extraction. I had to eat in order to take my painkillers.
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