My blood type is 'B', and according to studies, I can't eat chicken because it has Lectin which is not good for me. I remember reading an article that says lectin can cause stomach bloating, sore muscles, increased pulse rate etc.
I don't know if it's true, but for me personally, I have a gut feel that this is applicable to me. I've been worried about my bloated stomach for months, and I can't seem to tone it down. I'm on a strict diet (except for these past few days), I don't drink sodas, I exercise.
I control what I eat. Usually I alternate betwee fish and chicken. Bingo! So I'm thinking that chicken might really be the culprit.
I bought Dr. D'Adamo's book 'Eat Right For Your Type' (because I'm too lazy to keep researching the net and also too much hassle to print it in the office).
So after my vacations (to Manila and to Hong Kong), I'll be starting this 'Blood Type Diet'.
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