Woke up quite early today at 805am. Today was also my 'video shoot' for the service X factor thing that the bank is coming up with. My tummy was feeling weird at 805am, and I thought I was just having butterflies in my stomach so early in the morning... until I realised that it was real pain and not just some butterflies or bugs! I had to go to the toilet! and so, I didn't go back to sleep anymore and instead started my Thursday.
I got to the office at 905 (still late!) and started working right away, since I knew I had to leave around 1130am for my 12pm shoot. At 930am, my heart sank so low that I felt a sudden lightheadedness. My 'favorite' clients popped by again without prior notice, and to think that they just flew back in yesterday, I never expected to see them so soon!
I went down with a heavy heart (but with a quivering smile on my face), but they were suprisingly nice today (too nice actually, that it scared me more). Anyway, more work kept coming up, and it was already 12! I wanted to back out, so I called the girl who was arranging the shoot schedule. Nobody was picking up, so I kept debating with myself whether to go or chicken out.
I wanted to go because:
1. I wanted the experience (even if it means people will laugh at me when they see it).
2. My mum and brother knew about it, and I didn't want to back down because I want to make them proud (even if it means people will laugh at me when they see it)
And so, I went.
I got there almost 12:30pm, but was told there were some delays with the earlier shoots, so I wasn't considered late at all.
I waited for about 45 minutes before my turn came up.
Ridiculous! I thought it would be a shoot showing two colleagues discussing between themselves about execution of instructions, service delivery etc etc etc. But NO! We (me and this girl) were standing side by side, while the director threw questions at us and we would then answer after his prompt. It was pretty awkward, because while the other girl was talking, what was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to look at her, nod to convey agreement, or just stare at the camera and smile?
Geez. I'm definitely going to be laughed at. But, what the heck. That's the perk of being a foreigner. You care for a few minutes, then you just forget about it. It doesn't matter if they laugh at me, there's not much people they can gossip with about me anyway.
Oh, what am I saying!? The moment they show the video, I'll probably be soooo red on the face, red as a cherry!
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