Or maybe 5 words in this case.
Here in Singapore, you rarely find beggars. From my obeservation, they usually just come out on public holidays.
So, for most Aunties who would like to earn some money, instead of begging, they sell tissues instead.
You find these Aunties everywhere- at the MRT station, inside Mo's Burger (where I'm usually approached by the same Auntie who gets mad when people don't buy from her), in the streets, outside the church.
They usually sell 3 packs for 1 dollar. But you will always find others who are more competitive and will sell 3 for 50 cents only. Or 5 packs for 1 dollar.
Anyway, in groceries, I think 10 packs would just cost a dollar plus. So, you do the math from there.
Okay, onto my story atlast :
I have a guy officemate who is super nice. When I was new, I would approach him for help. He stood out because he would actually go out of his way to teach you, unlike the rest of them who would just tell you to 'go to the intranet'. If you're new in the company, that statement almost means the same as 'go to h*&l'.
So, this good officemate, has finally tendered his resignation after 26 months. He's off to become a technical consultant for aircrafts (because he used to be a pilot). I'm happy for him, but sad for us (me and my other friend).
Last friday, we stopped by his desk at around 830pm. Well, he has actually left the office, and we were just looking at his mug because it's cute! There's a drawing of a round guy hanging himself. Actually, it became cute for me only because I thought the caption said 'Jump Break', but it's actually something else. So anyway, we were looking at his table and I saw a big stack of tissue paper on his desk. All with cutesy designs which I'm sure he bought from the Aunties as well.
I was so touched because I knew this guy is really a good person. He's one of those people who has unbelievable patience, who is approachable, and who would go out of his way to help others in need.
So the five words: He is a good person.
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