I was queueing up to pay for my tissue paper and laundry detergent at Fair Price (A popular grocery store in Singapore). There was a bit of delay, because this Auntie (about 64 to 70 years old) was going to use a 10 dollar voucher to pay for her items.
I think the cost combined didn't reach 10, so the cashier told the auntie to get some candy from the racks. The auntie looked about the kitkats and some unknown chocolates and decided on the blue box. She was in the midst of lifting it with her fingers when the cashier said "That's not candy, Auntie, look there's more candies over at this side."
What do you know, she was about to get herself some Durex condoms! I think it was even the Ultra thin type.
If the cashier didn't stop her, and she brought it home, imagine her son or daughter or her apo's reaction! =D
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Tissue Speaks a Thousand Words (or maybe just a hundred)

Or maybe 5 words in this case.
Here in Singapore, you rarely find beggars. From my obeservation, they usually just come out on public holidays.
So, for most Aunties who would like to earn some money, instead of begging, they sell tissues instead.
You find these Aunties everywhere- at the MRT station, inside Mo's Burger (where I'm usually approached by the same Auntie who gets mad when people don't buy from her), in the streets, outside the church.
They usually sell 3 packs for 1 dollar. But you will always find others who are more competitive and will sell 3 for 50 cents only. Or 5 packs for 1 dollar.
Anyway, in groceries, I think 10 packs would just cost a dollar plus. So, you do the math from there.
Okay, onto my story atlast :
I have a guy officemate who is super nice. When I was new, I would approach him for help. He stood out because he would actually go out of his way to teach you, unlike the rest of them who would just tell you to 'go to the intranet'. If you're new in the company, that statement almost means the same as 'go to h*&l'.
So, this good officemate, has finally tendered his resignation after 26 months. He's off to become a technical consultant for aircrafts (because he used to be a pilot). I'm happy for him, but sad for us (me and my other friend).
Last friday, we stopped by his desk at around 830pm. Well, he has actually left the office, and we were just looking at his mug because it's cute! There's a drawing of a round guy hanging himself. Actually, it became cute for me only because I thought the caption said 'Jump Break', but it's actually something else. So anyway, we were looking at his table and I saw a big stack of tissue paper on his desk. All with cutesy designs which I'm sure he bought from the Aunties as well.
I was so touched because I knew this guy is really a good person. He's one of those people who has unbelievable patience, who is approachable, and who would go out of his way to help others in need.
So the five words: He is a good person.
Saturday Night Movie
Saturday nights have become my movie night.
Actually, it's an expensive pastime, because each ticket here costs SGD10, which is PHP300+. I could have enjoyed myself in a lazyboy back in Manila.
But then again, it's something to look forward to.
Last night, my friend and I was supposed to watch 'He's Just Not That Into You', which started showing last 19Feb. But since they have limited cinemas here, and their cinemas are quite small, the tickets for that movie was almost fully sold . The only ones remaining were separate seats. So, we watched the 'Pink Panther 2' instead.
I enjoyed Pink Panther 1. I'm not a 'laugher'. Like you would rarely hear me laugh 'hahaha' (except in sms), because, well, it just won't come out. I mean I do laugh, but I'm more of the 'heeheehee' type.
Anyway, I do believe Pink Panther 1 was one of those movies that induced a 'hahaha' from me. So I was excited to watch the sequel.
Which was a wrong thing to feel, because by feeling excited, I raised my expectations, which wasn't met this time. It's still an okay movie, but it only managed to make me go 'heehee'.
Actually, it's an expensive pastime, because each ticket here costs SGD10, which is PHP300+. I could have enjoyed myself in a lazyboy back in Manila.
But then again, it's something to look forward to.
Last night, my friend and I was supposed to watch 'He's Just Not That Into You', which started showing last 19Feb. But since they have limited cinemas here, and their cinemas are quite small, the tickets for that movie was almost fully sold . The only ones remaining were separate seats. So, we watched the 'Pink Panther 2' instead.
I enjoyed Pink Panther 1. I'm not a 'laugher'. Like you would rarely hear me laugh 'hahaha' (except in sms), because, well, it just won't come out. I mean I do laugh, but I'm more of the 'heeheehee' type.
Anyway, I do believe Pink Panther 1 was one of those movies that induced a 'hahaha' from me. So I was excited to watch the sequel.
Which was a wrong thing to feel, because by feeling excited, I raised my expectations, which wasn't met this time. It's still an okay movie, but it only managed to make me go 'heehee'.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Michelin Calculator

I have a new calculator cum clock and calendar.
It's a pretty cute gadget which I think other people liked but didn't want to take because of their 'beliefs'.
A client gave our manager this cool thing, but then, since it also has a built-in clock...well, she 'don't like leh' because receiving a clock is like accepting a death sentence.
So, the calculator was thrown into the trashcan, where another officer picked it up. They were passing it around (gleefully), until my boss approached my table and said "Oh, I dropped it on your table."
So, the new owner is now me. (Because someone dropped it on my table. It wasn't a gift, so I'm safe)
Another person's trash definitely became my treasure.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Warning: This is Gross. Eeew Eew Ew!

This happened last Saturday.
I tried to upload the pictures on the same night but somehow it wouldn't appear, but it worked today.
I was going to meet up with my friend at the MRT station. Before that, I decided to eat first somewhere near my condo.
So I ordered their seafood soup, and since there weren't any customers around, I was free to sit wherever I liked. I took the 'best' seat. I sat down and looked around, checking out the menu board. I looked down at the right side,and, croak! There were frogs!
Big, steady, green, and blinking frogs!
They weren't your typical kokak frogs, like the dark green gross jumping things, but they were big and lime green in color (and even grosser). They weren't moving, but they were blinking. (And thankfully, not looking at me)
Good thing they didn't have a leader. One that would say 'Team, let's all jump at the same time to topple over this flimsy metal grill on top of us'.
Oh.. FYI, I moved to a different table, one that was far away from the acquarium of frogs.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire

I was told that it's a great movie.
So, I told my friend that I was told that it's a great movie.
My friend and I decided to watch it.
It was a good decision.
Except for the fact that my seatmate kept asking her boyfriend to explain to her almost each and every scene (and not so softly), I enjoyed the movie.
I'm hard to please when it comes to movies, especially if I've been told that the movie is great. I think I would consciously find flaws to disprove what I was told. But for this one, I totally agree that's it's agood movie.
Anyway, although it's about poverty and real-life problems, I found it very refreshing . Primarily because for me, there was none of the Hollywood glam. There was no famous-named actors (well for me, anyway, because I am not familiar with Bollywood actors) and no over or under-acting.
Ofcourse I still have questions about some details, but I couldn't complain about the acting style, or line-delivery, or scene-shots.
Would I recommend this film? Yes, ofcourse.
One thing though- It was obvious from my seatmate's ra-ta-tat questions to her boyfriend, that she didn't understand some of the scenes. (most of it were 'Why' questions). When you watch the film, you have to remember that it's a movie based in India. With Indian lead characters. So things that most people would think were obvious, might be a rare and unheard of thing in India, because they have their own culture and own practices.
My New Baby, Mr. Bean

Awwww..isn't Mr. Bean a cutie?
Mr. Bean is a store selling soybean products like soymilk, soymilk ice cream, biscuits and Japanese Cakes.
I love love love their mascot. It's actually so simple, a soybean with a tiny leaf and a smiling face. So cute!
When I first came to Singapore, they were selling Mr. Bean keychains. But then, that time, I was just starting out with work, so I feel like I couldn't really afford to spend on miscellaneous thing, regardless of the price.
A few months passed, but they didn't come up with other products to sell. This evening, I was looking for something to buy for my movie-viewing snack, when I saw this!
It's a teeny-tiny squishy Mr. Bean in a Garden-themed carton container (not shown in the picture because I haven't assembled it yet.). Oooooh, everytime I look at it, I can't help but smile.
I think I'll buy more, just in case this one gets dirty. Heehee. ^-^
Monday, February 9, 2009
I Saw a Shooting Star!

I was happily floating about the pool tonight when I chanced to look up and notice that it was a full moon.
Lovely sight, because the condo actually looks like the facade of a castle, since it's the theme. And seing the full moon, shining so bright, kinda made me whimsical.
So I swam a few short lapses, then I stood on my favorite spot (the shallow spot), I looked up again and noticed a long line upwards, like the laser light you see on gimik places. But this one wasn't moving, and it looked smokey, so I traced the line with my eyes, still not realising what it was. Then, at the end of the line, I saw something blink and twinkle. Then that twinkling thing moved, and it blinked and twinkled again! Oh my gosh! It was a shooting star!
I was so surprised that I blurted out so many wishes, maybe 4 or 5!
Long after the star has gone (to amuse somebody else), I still stared at the smokey trail. Wow, a shooting star. I have finally seen one after 27 years.
Lovely sight, because the condo actually looks like the facade of a castle, since it's the theme. And seing the full moon, shining so bright, kinda made me whimsical.
So I swam a few short lapses, then I stood on my favorite spot (the shallow spot), I looked up again and noticed a long line upwards, like the laser light you see on gimik places. But this one wasn't moving, and it looked smokey, so I traced the line with my eyes, still not realising what it was. Then, at the end of the line, I saw something blink and twinkle. Then that twinkling thing moved, and it blinked and twinkled again! Oh my gosh! It was a shooting star!
I was so surprised that I blurted out so many wishes, maybe 4 or 5!
Long after the star has gone (to amuse somebody else), I still stared at the smokey trail. Wow, a shooting star. I have finally seen one after 27 years.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Indian Food
I took a couple of bites on the Indian food again.
Actually, it's yummy. Kind of like an acquired taste.
I inspected the food - it seems there are some green leafy vegetable, some seeds, chick peas and onions. Plus, the spices.
If I weren't on a diet, I'd finish it all.
Actually, it's yummy. Kind of like an acquired taste.
I inspected the food - it seems there are some green leafy vegetable, some seeds, chick peas and onions. Plus, the spices.
If I weren't on a diet, I'd finish it all.
Sights and Sounds (and Taste)
Today, even though it's a Sunday, I went to the office to finish a special project.
Luckily, with the help of my friend and my brother, I was able to find a way to do the project more efficiently (The project is basically consolidating, segragating, arranging some excel files. Sounds easy, but it's not! It's very messy, plus I'm not an Excel expert).
Anyway, around 5+, my friend and colleague was preparing to attend mass at Dhoby Ghaut. Since I was finished with my work, I decided to join her.
On our way to the Church, we noticed that a lot of Indian nationals have gathered in the streets, and there seems to be an event. Then, wah, like watching The National Geographic, I saw some men wearing steel costumes. Steel which were perched on their waists, probably piercing their skin too.
The whole lot of them with the steel costumes walked towards the stage, where a black sheet was draped in the centre of the stage, then there was something red, like the shape of a flame behind the cloth.
We went to mass, and by the time we got out, they were still there. So actually, I have no idea what happened, and what will still happen after.
Oh, while we were walking towards the Catholic church, a man and a woman was distributing food and drinks to everybody. So I took the small pack, afraid to insult the man but at the same time curious too.
Because, afterall, my stay in Singapore is about experiencing things. So being in that area, amidst their celebration, was a cool thing for me.
I saw everybody eating it, so before dinner, I ate one. It tasted like the Philippine Ukoy, except it doesn't have shrimp inside. It probably just contained starch and some shredded vegetable, plus a handful of spices.
Luckily, with the help of my friend and my brother, I was able to find a way to do the project more efficiently (The project is basically consolidating, segragating, arranging some excel files. Sounds easy, but it's not! It's very messy, plus I'm not an Excel expert).
Anyway, around 5+, my friend and colleague was preparing to attend mass at Dhoby Ghaut. Since I was finished with my work, I decided to join her.
On our way to the Church, we noticed that a lot of Indian nationals have gathered in the streets, and there seems to be an event. Then, wah, like watching The National Geographic, I saw some men wearing steel costumes. Steel which were perched on their waists, probably piercing their skin too.
The whole lot of them with the steel costumes walked towards the stage, where a black sheet was draped in the centre of the stage, then there was something red, like the shape of a flame behind the cloth.
We went to mass, and by the time we got out, they were still there. So actually, I have no idea what happened, and what will still happen after.
Oh, while we were walking towards the Catholic church, a man and a woman was distributing food and drinks to everybody. So I took the small pack, afraid to insult the man but at the same time curious too.
Because, afterall, my stay in Singapore is about experiencing things. So being in that area, amidst their celebration, was a cool thing for me.
I saw everybody eating it, so before dinner, I ate one. It tasted like the Philippine Ukoy, except it doesn't have shrimp inside. It probably just contained starch and some shredded vegetable, plus a handful of spices.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Dual Job
I am a Banker by day, and DH by night.
Actually, majority of overseas workers are like that.
When you go home, you remove your sophisticated office employee facade and do your household chores.
For tonight, it was to iron my clothes.
There, on one of the shelves (on top of the roll of tissue paper), is Oreo, my phone. I was watching this Chinese tv series while ironing my clothes. Weird huh?
Yeah, yeah, I know. After I iron, I should also clean up and arrange my cabinet because it's messy. Well, maybe tomorrow.
Want U, Need U, Love U

Meet my mug, Want U Need U Love U.
Not exactly the cutest mug, but it's the right size and shape for me. But notice that the cuteness factor is being balanced out by the adorable sunflower cover.
Both were bought at Daiso Japan Store at SGD2 each.
Compliment received for the cover, 1 to date.
Additional Note: I finally bought an office mug after 9 months of using the office-supplied styro cups.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Found a Way to Make Some Money
There's this problem in the office.. we're always encountering expired client documents, and to cut the story short, this is a big no-no. Subject to audit attack, er, findings.
Anyway, the reason why the managers can't check if the documents are already expired is because the reports given to them by another team is a bit messy and incomplete.
So, my boss has assigned me to do the clean up (little do they know that I'm equally messy!). Since it's a really tedious clean-up, she said she will get approval to give me a weekend overtime pay (kaching kaching).
That's the first part. The second way I'm going to earn extra is by pointing out to them how difficult it is to do it, and I think I deserve a 'Thank You' voucher from all the managers who will benefit from the cleaned-up report. That's like, 8 managers.
Well, each 'Thank you' voucher can be exchanged for real shopping vouchers. SGD30 each. Supposing not all will be feel much gratitude with what I am about to do, even if it's just 50% of them, it's still good enough for me.
It will eat up an entire Sunday. But then again, I usually don't have anything planned on Sundays anyway.
A penny earned is a penny saved...for a Coach bag!
Anyway, the reason why the managers can't check if the documents are already expired is because the reports given to them by another team is a bit messy and incomplete.
So, my boss has assigned me to do the clean up (little do they know that I'm equally messy!). Since it's a really tedious clean-up, she said she will get approval to give me a weekend overtime pay (kaching kaching).
That's the first part. The second way I'm going to earn extra is by pointing out to them how difficult it is to do it, and I think I deserve a 'Thank You' voucher from all the managers who will benefit from the cleaned-up report. That's like, 8 managers.
Well, each 'Thank you' voucher can be exchanged for real shopping vouchers. SGD30 each. Supposing not all will be feel much gratitude with what I am about to do, even if it's just 50% of them, it's still good enough for me.
It will eat up an entire Sunday. But then again, I usually don't have anything planned on Sundays anyway.
A penny earned is a penny saved...for a Coach bag!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Day 2 of 50
Since it's my non-workout day (no gym or jogging), I had to do some minor workout still.
I did some stretchings, squats for my inner thighs, tricep dips, push ups, hip hop abs, arm rotations.
Later on, before I sleep, I'll have to do over a hundred crunches.
Oh man. The price of looking good (and feeling good).
I did some stretchings, squats for my inner thighs, tricep dips, push ups, hip hop abs, arm rotations.
Later on, before I sleep, I'll have to do over a hundred crunches.
Oh man. The price of looking good (and feeling good).
Day 2 of 50
It's only day 2, but the challenge is already there.
I miss food already!
Well, actually, the first few weeks of dieting is usually the hardest.
Today, I ate:
1 cup oatmeal (Quaker oats sachet in apple flavor)
1 order Thai chicken hor fun with lots of leafy vegetables.
1 small cup of Tom Yum Soup (From my friend)
2 pcs ultra skinny chicken wing (Thai style)
6 pcs of sky flakes
1 cup Nesvita Pro-bone milk
1.5 pcs of plum (the .5 is already too sweet, almost rotten)
2 slices of Breadtalk wholemeal bread with pork floss (I have a canister from Bee Cheng Hiang)
1 ponkan
I miss food already!
Well, actually, the first few weeks of dieting is usually the hardest.
Today, I ate:
1 cup oatmeal (Quaker oats sachet in apple flavor)
1 order Thai chicken hor fun with lots of leafy vegetables.
1 small cup of Tom Yum Soup (From my friend)
2 pcs ultra skinny chicken wing (Thai style)
6 pcs of sky flakes
1 cup Nesvita Pro-bone milk
1.5 pcs of plum (the .5 is already too sweet, almost rotten)
2 slices of Breadtalk wholemeal bread with pork floss (I have a canister from Bee Cheng Hiang)
1 ponkan
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Oreo
Oreo is the name of my new phone.
For most of my things, I give them a nickname.
Well, not really creative, I can say. Like for my phone, it's Oreo because the brand is, well, Orion.
Okay, it's an uncool Brand name. It's made in China. It's not stylish.
But hey, it has TV (with antenna), FM radio, Bluetooth function, and the basics - camera, voice and video recorder. The price is very reasonable as well.
I can finally watch tv in the comforts of my own room. Woo-hoo!