And I'm referring to my mommy.
She knew I was craving for pizza. She also knew I'm following a diet (The blood type diet) and could not eat meat, just mostly veggies.One afternoon, she went out to settle some banking stuff. I stayed home. I got a little bit worried because it's been awhile and she still wasn't back from the bank.
Then, *ding dong* the doorbell rang. I hid behind the door while my brother opened the door (yes, a lot of you dont know, but I'm quite the sneaky-prankster type), then I saw a pizza box. (all pranking forgotten at this point) Awww... my mom took some time to get home because she passed by Yellow Cab to surprise me with a box of pizza.
And guess what she ordered... veggie pizza!!! She said she asked the pizza person 'which one is just vegetables?'
Don't you just feel the urge to go 'awwwww'?. She's so sweet!
She prepared such feasts for us too. Okay, I think she does it only when I'm back in Manila. I think it's not so special on other days.
The best of all, she makes it a point to cook me live lapu lapu soup because she believes it's good for my body.
She had to go to Arranque Market (a pasar) to get those live fishes and shrimps.
She also cooked a big plate of spinach, because I can eat spinach (based on the Blood type diet)
We were in SM Marikina, and I saw the green mango stall - Mango-ong.
As usual, I looked at it longingly and my mom asked me if I wanted.
I answered my usual answer : I want but let's not buy (in Fookien)
So my mom went ahead and bought.
Philippine green mangoes with sweet and spicy bagoong. Yum.
Chocolate mousse from Red Ribbon. I've missed this cake.
This was actually for my brother's chinese birthday.
My mom asked me what we wanted, and I said 'chocolate mousse'.
Chocolate mousse I got. Yeah, cake was really for my brother, he was happy with my choice though.
The only whipped cream that I consume wholeheartedly. All others, I usually don't eat and just throw away (it's just trans fat, you know).
Biko with latik. I've missed latik.
Glutinous rice with latik, which is er.. I think fresh coconut oil cooked (or churned) until it turns into this brownish color. Actually I'm not a hundred percent sure what it's really made of, I just know it's sweet and crumbly and rich and yummy and that only a few of them biko makers still make them nowadays.
We saw a street vendor selling all sorts of kakanin (glutinous rice kuehs) and I commented.
When my mom asked me if I wanted, I said 'Never mind, maybe it's not clean, I'll get fat'.
So my mom bought some for me (she knew I wanted it). When we got home, she warmed it up for me too.
Gosh, I'm such a spoiled girl! Not just by mom, but also by my dad and especially my brother.
I always get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Actually, I have a confession. I've been in Singapore almost four years (this coming April), but when I get homesick, or think about what my family does for me, I still cry.