I'm running out of Titles for my blog posts regarding various things.
Anyway... the following pictures were taken the week of 24Oct-29Oct2011.

Me, while waiting for Tuesday 8PM Zumba class to begin - At Danz Boutique, Bukit Timah Road.

Saturday, 29Oct.
Glad to see other people are also helping out the blind uncle outside Novena Church.
The uncle and his wife are always outside the church on Saturdays, selling tissue packets and peanuts. Whether the sun is blazing, or there's continues pouring of rain.

This auntie (a tourist, because she was taking photos of the ugly statues outside Hotel Royal) seemed to have been made fun of by her hairstylist.
Having your hair highlighted with violet/maroonish color doesn't make you look hipper and younger, auntie. Wait, maybe I'm making a haste judgement. Maybe her hair is that way because she's attending a Halloween party.

9 working days done, just 5 more days to go and my office partner will be back from her leave. Hooray!

Thursay: One of the buttons came off. I used a safety pin to secure them together.

When I removed it later that night, I was surprised how bent the pin was. Wah, the garment was stronger than the pin. It's not because my stomach is big okay. The top is actually loose.

One day, our washing machine went berserk and suddenly made a scary lound rumbling sound. When I went out to check, the machine has already walked out of its 'area'. Oh my gooooodness, all the lint and hair was stuck at the tube behind. Eeeew eeeew eeeew! That's years and years worth of yuckiness. I had no choice but to pull it out (using my plastic covered right hand).

The machine's usual place is tucked away inside. And it has walked out on its own.

Saturday: I collected my show ticket from my boss.
It's a Philippine noon time television show which will be doing a show in Singapore tomorrow, at D'Marquee.
Ticket price is SGD 65, but I got it for free. Yey!
Olegna, if only I had extra tickets, you're one of the friends that I would invite to come along.