Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Life of a 20 Something Girl
This is one of the coolest things ever!
I'm a post-paid phone line commitment phobic, but the contract was just too good to pass up. Bottomline is, with the postpaid plan that I signed up for, it's just like I'm paying for my phone in a 24 month installment plan. Very nice!
I had some difficulty last night when I was setting up my itunes account, and I couldn't download anything into my phone, but somehow everything worked out in the end, and I've already downloaded some games and ebooks.
Paper toss, sudoku, my little restaurant, roller coaster, fastar, angry birds, spot the difference, tic tac touch, oven break (you have to help the gingerbread man to run away before it gets baked).
The pink fairy book, A New England girlhood, The easiest was in housekeeping and cooking, True story of my life and Winnie the Pooh
I also have Bloomberg and SG Transport. Oh! and Archie Comics!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
My Farewell Lunch at Kam Boat
My teammates arranged a farewell (for me) cum team lunch at Kam Boat last Friday.
The food was good, and everything was smooth sailing until this waitress (who obviously wasn't in a good mood that day), splashed sauce from the fish dish onto my RM's new iPhone. The mood became a bit tense then, but thankfully all became calm again after a few minutes.
Towards the end of the meal, they insisted that I give a speech. I tried. But after a sentence , I choked up and couldn't continue my speech.
This was supposedly my speech:
I thought I would be so happy after I tender my resignation, but I'm not. I feel sad to be leaving a team who appreciates me.
Actually, my speech was very short, yet I wasn't able to deliver it.
I thought I would feel smug after giving them my letter, that I would have the last laugh.. but really, I just feel sad now. Of course I felt some sort of relief when I tendered, and I'm also excited to start a new chapter with a new job.. but still.... my colleagues will have a special place in my heart.. Well not all, but most of them anyway.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Family is Growing
The pink tote bag, I bought it on sale, when I was super pissed with one $R*%i#h client.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Dim Sum Buffet at Cherry Garden, Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Overall verdict: Just so-so. If you have spare cash, you can try this place. If not, go somewhere else to get better food.
The service was good because the wait staff were attentive. The taste however, was pretty mediocre, considering the price. I believe they did use the best quality ingredients (at least the prawns), but the taste was just lacking that special quality.
I still prefer the dim sum at Taste Paradise. Exciting, different and satisfying.