See how much water...
Tried another brand of rice drink. This time it's in vanilla flavour. Bleech. It taste like water with vanilla essence.
Cayenne pepper. One of the few spices I could take in.
A stack of 4 potato pancakes.
Wrapping it up...
For me to reheat as and when I feel like it.
Perfect piece for my evening snack (last night).
Bought a take home pack of Yami Yogurt
My new bedsheets. Now with more thread count.
No more space to hang my frshly laundered cherry shorts.
So I had to improvise!
Preparing to bake the cod steak fillet
In you go, little one.
My broccolini looks sad. There, there...
Garlic bits.
Garlic bits.
Pan frying the scallops.
Garlic scallops. It's okay, but a tad too salty.
Cod fish with mozzarella..
Seafood 'yin yang' plate.
Dinner in bed. The veggie and scallops were okay, but there's something wrong with the cod fish. It wasn't compatible with one of the herbs (either parsley, oregano or basil). It tasted bitter.
But in the end, it all went down the toilet bowl. Don't know why it happened (I ensure quality control when I'm cooking), but my stomach's empty again.